
Prior to Submission. Your complaint must first be submitted to the competent department of the relevant financial institution.

Submission. You can submit your complaint to Ombudsfin by letter, email, or fax, or through our online form. In any case, you must submit the complaint in writing. You will receive an acknowledgment as soon as the complaint reaches the department.

Admissibility. Ombudsfin's jurisdiction is well-defined. An initial examination of the complaint will determine whether it meets the admissibility criteria.

Handling. If the complaint is admissible, it will be handled by an advisor. We will assess possible solutions to the problem. The duration of the handling depends on the complexity of the issue.

Ombudsman's Opinion. At the end of the mediation phase, the Ombudsman will take a position and provide an opinion. He may also make recommendations.

The advice will be communicated to the complainant.
